The Court of Appeal has ordered for the retrial of an Election Petition challenging the victory of DPs Fred Kayongo as Member of Parliament for Mukono South for lack of minimum academic papers to stand as an MP.
In October 2021, Mukono High Court Justice Olive Kazarwe Mukwaya dismissed the said petition that had been filed by NUPs Wilson Male on grounds that the Commissioner Of Oaths who signed on the said petition did not have a practising certificate, but, three justices of the Court of Appeal have overturned the High court decision and sent back the case file for retrial under a different judge.
According to the court of Appeal, the petition should be retried on its merits.Male accuses Kayondo of lacking the minimum academic papers to stand as an MP and wants Court to overturn his victory and orders a by-Election.
Male further accuses Kayongo of using Symbols of NUP on his Campaign posters despite stating that he was standing on a DP ticket whose symbol is a hoe and bribing voters.
He claims that the Electoral commission failed to verify signatures of all eligible voters in the constituency among other grounds.
Speaking shortly after the said ruling, MP Kayondo welcomed it claiming that he will be victorious since all allegations against him are baseless.
“I think it would be fair that the said case is heard and a judgement passed out genuinely by giving him a chance to defend himself.” Kayondo said.